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SSL Certification

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What is SSL Certification?

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website's identity and enables an encrypted connection. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser.

Companies and organizations need to add SSL certificates to their websites to secure online transactions and keep customer information private and secure.

In short: SSL keeps internet connections secure and prevents criminals from reading or modifying information transferred between two systems. When you see a padlock icon next to the URL in the address bar, that means SSL protects the website you are visiting.

Since its inception about 25 years ago, there have been several versions of SSL protocol, all of which at some point ran into security troubles. A revamped and renamed version followed — TLS (Transport Layer Security), which is still in use today. However, the initials SSL stuck, so the new version of the protocol is still usually called by the old name.

Types of SSL Certification

1. Extended Validation certificates (EV SSL):

This is the highest-ranking and most expensive type of SSL certificate. It tends to be used for high profile websites which collect data and involve online payments. When installed, this SSL certificate displays the padlock, HTTPS, name of the business, and the country on the browser address bar. Displaying the website owner's information in the address bar helps distinguish the site from malicious sites. To set up an EV SSL certificate, the website owner must go through a standardized identity verification process to confirm they are authorized legally to the exclusive rights to the domain.

2. Organization Validated certificates (OV SSL):

This version of SSL certificate has a similar assurance similar level to the EV SSL certificate since to obtain one; the website owner needs to complete a substantial validation process. This type of certificate also displays the website owner's information in the address bar to distinguish from malicious sites. OV SSL certificates tend to be the second most expensive (after EV SSLs), and their primary purpose is to encrypt the user's sensitive information during transactions. Commercial or public-facing websites must install an OV SSL certificate to ensure that any customer information shared remains confidential.

3. Domain Validated certificates (DV SSL):

The validation process to obtain this SSL certificate type is minimal, and as a result, Domain Validation SSL certificates provide lower assurance and minimal encryption. They tend to be used for blogs or informational websites – i.e., which do not involve data collection or online payments. This SSL certificate type is one of the least expensive and quickest to obtain. The validation process only requires website owners to prove domain ownership by responding to an email or phone call. The browser address bar only displays HTTPS and a padlock with no business name displayed.

4. Wildcard SSL Certificates:

Wildcard SSL certificates allow you to secure a base domain and unlimited sub-domains on a single certificate. If you have multiple sub-domains to secure, then a Wildcard SSL certificate purchase is much less expensive than buying individual SSL certificates for each of them. Wildcard SSL certificates have an asterisk * as part of the common name, where the asterisk represents any valid sub-domains that have the same base domain. For example, a single Wildcard certificate for *website can be used to secure:

  • payments.yourdomain.com
  • login.yourdomain.com
  • mail.yourdomain.com
  • download.yourdomain.com
  • anything.yourdomain.com
5. Multi-Domain SSL Certificate (MDC):

A Multi-Domain certificate can be used to secure many domains and/or sub-domain names. This includes the combination of completely unique domains and sub-domains with different TLDs (Top-Level Domains) except for local/internal ones.

For Example:

  • www.example.com
  • example.org
  • mail.this-domain.net
  • example.anything.com.au

Multi-Domain certificates do not support sub-domains by default. If you need to secure both www.example.com and example.com with one Multi-Domain certificate, then both hostnames should be specified when obtaining the certificate.

6. Unified Communications Certificate (UCC):

Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) are also considered Multi-Domain SSL certificates. UCCs were initially designed to secure Microsoft Exchange and Live Communications servers. Today, any website owner can use these certificates to allow multiple domain names to be secured on a single certificate. UCC Certificates are organizationally validated and display a padlock on a browser. UCCs can be used as EV SSL certificates to give website visitors the highest assurance through the green address bar.

Document For SSL Certification

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SSL Certification

Basic Plan

For Small Size Business


SSL Certificate
Provided for a 1 Year
Type: Standard LE SSL
Encryption: 256 bit
Client Data Secured
SEO Improvement
Lock in the address bar
Compliant with PCI DSS
Call Now +91 9924 78 3635 Check Out

Standard Plan

For Medium Size Business


SSL Certificate
Provided for a 1 Year
Type: Standard LE SSL
Encryption: 256 bit
Client Data Secured
SEO Improvement
Lock in the address bar
Compliant with PCI DSS
Call Now +91 9924 78 3635 Check Out

Advanced Plan

For Large Size Business


SSL Certificate
Provided for a 1 Year
Type: Comodo Positive SSL
Encryption: 256 bit
Client Data Secured
SEO Improvement
Lock in the address bar
Compliant with PCI DSS
Call Now +91 9924 78 3635 Check Out

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